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Xerjoff - Cruz del Sur II


Xerjoff’s ‘Cruz del Sur II’ blows my mind as the most deliciously realistic gourmand fragrance ever created.

What does it smell like? Close your eyes and picture this... 

In your hands your hold a frozen crystal bowl containing the ripest sun-filled but chilled slices of juicy mangoes intermingled with yellow scoops of the finest quality mango icecream. Nothing has melted yet, as it’s just so chilled, nor will it ever melt, as the mango stays forever frozen in time, keeping its freshness. Never melting, never too sweet, never to become a sticky, sickly, creamy dairy mess of goop in that bowl. Just perfectly freezer-fresh mango. And that’s it, it’s just so real. Bravo!


In a complex and oddball analogy, Xerjoff described it as “following the winding trails of mango, pineapple, guava, apple blossoms… the most radiant is the one whose appearance is uncontaminated… its heart a bouquet of exotic flowers, about to carry as a gift to the stone altar its scents of blackcurrant and green leaves… the vetiver and the cedar, which responds to the milky notes like a distant drum. Screams bounce back from the tree trunks, accompanied by candied fruits and soft musk.” Maybe just stick with my ice-cream analogy.


If realistic gourmand/mango is your thing, then you haven’t experienced this fragrance marvel. Wow.

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